Minister Marga Klompéschool

Renovation and extension of the Minister Marga Klompéschool in Rotterdam.

Client: Stichting RVKO
Status: Construction start in 2025

The Minister Marga Klompé School in the Ommoord district is a typical ‘MUWI’ school from the second half of the last century. Our design honors the cultural and historical value of the building but improves the school in three important areas:
1) functionality, 2) health, and 3) sustainability.

‘’ …improves the school in three important areas: 1) functionality, 2) health, and 3) sustainability.’’

Using the latest techniques, all spaces are upgraded, with improved classrooms in all areas: daylight, artificial light, and light control, heating and cooling, ventilation and outdoor air, as well as layout, organization, and equipment (smartboards).


Project name: Minister Marga Klompéschool
Location: Rotterdam [the Netherlands]
Program: Educational
Site area: 1.845 m2


Design team: Tom van Odijk, David Baars, Reem Bou Hamdan

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